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Saturday, August 17, 2013

School is Back!

   Hey guys!  So we all know that school is back. And some people even already started! But for the peeps who haven't, I have some great advice for you guys! OK so some of you may have lists for school and some not. For the girls who get supplies lists they  have it pretty easily. Just one tip. Get what they have on the list and don't get much more. They have lists for a reason! If you want to get maybe one more notebook that's fine but I wouldnt go cray cray. And for the ones who don't have list get at least a notebook and a folder for each class. that should be enough for you. then write down anything else the teachers tell you to get at school. Then you will be good! And don't forget organization! You don't have to go color coding (like me) but its just better to be organized. I don't want to get into all of that now but if you have any questions ask below!

If you guys have any questions about school or anything just comment below! And if you want me to blog about something I do take requests!

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