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Monday, August 20, 2012


         School. Some of us love school. ( Thats me! ) Some of us HATE school. But every one has problems! Let me help you out !
         First of all you need to have all the right supplies. If the schools don't give you a list email your teacher.
Get everything you need early so supplies don't run out. Put all of your new supplies in your backpack or a spot that is just for school. You'll also need some new clothes. Before you go shopping start at home. Look through your closet and sadly put your summer clothes away and bring out the school outfits. Make a list  of what you need like jeans, t-shirts, shoes and scarfs. Now about fashion. You might worry about not being fashionable. Fashion is something that you design ! You can wear whatever YOU think is fashionable! Who cares what other people wear? one last thing about fashion. IF you have to wear an uniform the world is not over! YOu can add cute earings bracelets and other jewelery..
        When school starts your schedule might seem over whelming. For the first couple weeks have a schedlue with you at all times. IF you are totally lost just ask for help it is simple! People will help you if it is the first couple weeks,they'll understand. Also make sure your locker and/or desk is always organized. If your always changing classes you need to get your books and go so your not late.
             Lastly i want to talk about lunch. Some lunches may be super gross or super healthy. Depending on the school of course. But in most cases you want to pack to be more healthy. one of the best lunch boxes ever is the Pack It. it really does keep the food cold.
              That is it! If you have any Questions please comment! Goodbye summer! ): well seeya BYE


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