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Monday, July 30, 2012


BOYFRIENDS ARE A BIG PROBLEM SOMETIMES... BUT WE ALL WANT ONE! BOYS CAN GET IN BEETWEEN FRIENDSHIPS AND COULD GET YOU IN TROUBLE TOO BUT THERE ARE GOOD THINGS TOO! HERE THEY ARE..... Hey I am Abby's BFF Morgan and the good things about boyfriends are.... You can have someone to talk to about your day... Someone else to text... Someone to hang out with... A shoulder to cry on... BUT..... YOU DON'T WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAD ONE AND WE ARE NO LONGER TALKING!!!!!!!! Jk! We still talk... but if you are over-sensitive... DON'T GET ONE!!!!!!! Now back to Abby..... Morgan is right about some realationships with boys...  if you are very sensitive then only date a boy if you really like him! And if you know that he will not hurt you! But there are some more bad things... if you and your friend like the same boy DO NOT FIGHT OVER HIM! HE IS NOT WORTH IT!!!  And if you are not allowed do not try to date! A boyfriend is not worth  getting in trouble unless you luv him which should not happen yet! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE COMMENT!!!

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