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Monday, May 20, 2013

One of the most important things in your teenage years are grades. Yes not all of us love school as much as i do but they are important. You dont want to spend the summer in summer school, do you? YOu dont have to be a genius to get good grades, but you do have to try. Instead of staying on the computer all day do your homework, study for the next test, and start on that project that is due in a couple weeks. It might not be the most fun but it is worth it! Getting better grades will help boost your mood and sense of accomplishment. Make it fun and study with a friend! Any questions? Ask away!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

   It is Mother's Day! That means you need to thank your mom, Grandma, Aunts and all for all the did for you. Let them know how  thankful you are. They do so much for you! they drive you places, make you food, comfort you, and so much more! So really thank them and tell them you love them, cause they love you too. Even someone not related to that may feel close to you should get a thankyou too! So wish everyone a Happy Mother's day and have fun with your fam, instead of with your friends. Dont worry, tomorrow you can hang with your school besties but today, hang out with your other bestie. Your Mom!

Saturday, May 11, 2013


   Hey girls! Last night i saw an amazing movie called Oblivion. For all of those sci-fi girls out there this is perf! This PG-13 movie is set in the future when we would fight in a horrible war against aliens that destroyed our moon. After the moon was gone the Earth went crazy too! Even though we won the war, we had to leave Earth. The main character Jack Parker,played by Tom Cruise, had the job of fixing the probes that roamed the Earth. But this jack is not a regular human after the war. They told him that his memory was wiped but why was he having memories of his real true love? Jack finds out more about this mystery girl and the truth about what really was happening. Oblivion is an awesome movie that will make your emotions fly high! Even if you are not a big Sci-fi girl you should definitely try this!

I'm Back!

   Hey guys! I am so sorry for not being on for like a couple years. But i will be on WAY more now! I will also now be taking questions from you guys! Please tell other tweens about this blog! or teens since I will be a teen soon! thanks guys!

Your's truly,